Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Navigation

Get Help

We offer a wide range of services, many of which can be requested right from our website by using the appropriate links in the catalog below. If you want to submit a general support request, click below.

Submit a General Support Ticket

Request Catalog


Accounts and Access

Request an SCS Account
An SCS account is necessary for resources we offer that are specific to the SCS community.

Access Request
You can request access to existing resources (generally requires approval).

Alumni Account Transition Request
Request to transition your SCS account to a Carnegie Mellon (CMU) Alumni account.

SCS Website URL Request
Request an SCS URL for your AFS hosted site or to be forwarded externally.


Register for Support

Register Equipment
Register your equipment for support with us. 

Desktop Virtual Machine Installation and Support Request
Request the installation of an SCS Supported Virtual Machine (VM) on supported desktop systems. Not for non-desktop systems such as VMware server or Campus Cloud. 

Search, Update and Remove Equipment Support
You can register, update, or remove services.

Replace Existing Equipment
Replacing a currently supported computer? This form will guide you through the process.


Desktop Computing

Custom PC Configuration & Upgrade Consulting Request
We can provide guidance and assist in ordering the right system solution for you!

Computer Hardware Relocation or Removal
We can assist with SCS supported computer hardware relocation.

Battery Backup Request (UPS)
Request a UPS battery backup for your SCS supported computer or request support with existing UPS battery backups.


Backup and Restore

Request an SCS Account
An SCS account is necessary for resources we offer that are specific to the SCS community.

Access Request
You can request access to existing resources (generally requires approval).

Alumni Account Transition Request
Request to transition your SCS account to a Carnegie Mellon (CMU) Alumni account.


Business and Purchasing

Submit Charging Inquiry
If you have a charging question, submit an inquiry to our business office!

SCS Technical Purchasing App
Our web-based purchasing application available to the SCS community.

SCS Computing Support Charges
Helpful information on our cost recovery support model. 


Communication and Collaboration

New Mailing List Request
Request a mailing list for your SCS group, department or project.

Report Audio-Visual Issues
Submit an SCS conference room AV support request

SCS Room Request
Faculty and Staff can reserve conference rooms throughout SCS buildings. 


Help and Support

Laptop Loan Request
The SCS Help Desk provides loaner laptops for the SCS community. 

Technology Reservation Request
In addition to laptops, the Help Desk lends a wide range of accessories, adapters, and more. 

AFS Academic Volume Request
Request an academic volume for an SCS course. 

AFS Project Volume Request
Request an AFS volume for a project or group.

building icon

Building Support

Building Support Request
The SCS Building Facilities department provides support throughout all SCS buildings. 


Submit a Support Ticket

Complete this request to submit a general support ticket or you can also explore our service request catalog